The EMG Group, an executive and management team placement firm, was plagued by high turnover. People came and went so quickly that the inside joke was, "Don’t buy any green bananas for new EMG recruiters". This revolving door atmosphere had created a culture where it was every man for himself. New hires found themselves on their own without much help, and cooperation between employees was virtually nonexistent. In addition, the lack of communication and teamwork between functional groups was costing the company revenue in missed opportunities. Frustrated by the amount of time and money they were investing in constantly hiring new recruiters and the disruption in client service and lost business, the president of EMG contacted Innovative Business Dynamics for help.

It became quickly apparent that several factors were contributing to EMG’s high turnover problem. First, potential hires were not evaluated for the core competencies or personality required to achieve success at EMG. Additionally, the lack of training and cooperative effort discouraged new recruiters who often made mistakes and frequently became frustrated with the competitive and uncooperative environment. Recruiters that did survive focused solely on placing individual deals for their own benefit, ignoring potential cross-functional placement opportunities. Compounding the problem, EMG’s top management was unprepared to provide the leadership required to unite their workforce.

Intervention began by creating and implementing a customized process for selecting new recruiters based on an analysis of success factors for top performers. An easily administered assessment indicated a candidate’s "fit" with the EMG organization and pointed out potential areas for development. Interview probes were provided to explore any areas of concern. The assessment immediately increased the probability of a successful new hire.

To help the company evolve into a more cooperative and productive unit, a mentor/coaching program was implemented that taught effective coaching and feedback skills to top management and senior recruiting staff. Individual goals and action plans were established that coordinated efforts among all employees creating an effective cross-functional network. Each individual in the program was assigned a new hire to mentor, providing them with training and a resource for solving problems. We also worked with the company to restructure their compensation plan to enhance cooperative productivity.

Within six months EMG’s retention rate increased by more than 50%, providing a significant cost reduction. In addition, the company evolved to a team-based culture that significantly increased their placement opportunities. The ensuing rise in morale and client satisfaction was reflected in the bottom line.